The School of English

English made easy

There is a recent statistics about earning potential of Indian youths, which states that a person with optimal proficiency in English can earn 40% extra than the person who is weak in it, irrespective of both of them possessing the same skillset. Talent and skills are a part of our youths, but when coming to express their innate abilities, they find it challenging. With this insight we have designed an English speaking skill enhancement program called E for English. The programme gives finer awareness about the fundamentals of spoken English and better understanding about communicating strategies to practise speaking in English efficiently.

Program Title : English made Easy

Targeted Audience: Students & Faculty members

Duration : 50 hours

Learning Objectives :

i. To break the limiting belief and to help them gain confidence to speak in English

ii. To provide a simplified and deeper understanding about fundamentals of English

iii. To support the students with lot of real time activities

Language Proficiency Training for Faculties

Teachers are student’s first guru and role model. With so many responsibilities on teacher’s shoulders, they need to constantly improvise. A change from Black Board to white board, from chalk to wireless slide changer, the changes have multiplied many folds. Teachers encounter varieties of students and the need to attend to each student and formulate everyone successfully is a challenge. The art of facilitation in a class has to be perfect and effective - the way they speak and pronounce the words, the way they stand while presenting, the way they arrange their class and the method they choose to reinforce the student’s learning and knowledge management. LPTT is designed to empower these skills and give them the edge over the 21st century teaching process.

Language is a tool for a teacher to share knowledge. Beyond sharing knowledge, language is also a powerful tool to exchange feelings, emotions and behaviour. Gone are the days where age old way of teaching which was purely based on curriculum. One of the successful strategies for an effective classroom supremely lies on how a teacher communicates. LPTT is one of the Trend setter modules which address all aspects of effective communication needs for a facilitator to deliver his/her best.

Program Title : Language Proficiency Training for Teachers

Targeted Audience: Faculty members

Learning Objectives :

• To break the communication barriers and inhibitions

• To strengthen the fundamentals of grammar

• To discuss about the success strategies for effective classroom communication

• To give a deeper insight about the importance of communication in teaching

• To connect the subject matter expertise with language mastery

• The art of preparing and delivering effective Presentation

• Understanding the subtle messages of nonverbal cues and its application in a learning environment

• Effective Tonal skills and its role in efficient facilitation

• Application Transactional Analysis in class room communication.

• Advanced NLP Applications in a Learning Environment

Language Proficiency Training for Students

The Process of language acquisition involves acquiring five fundamental skills of language namely Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Thinking. During the early stages of a child’s development, they naturally pick up these skills in the mother tongue in the same order. English is the second language for many Indian students and it is quite challenging in the current educational setting. This English language can be effortlessly taught and learnt in a classroom when the pedagogical approach is done from known to unknown. The language can be meticulously facilitated to children of all age group by following the same sequence slowly shifting from simple to complex.

The LPTS program is exclusively designed to enhance the language competence of each child. The tailor made pilot program supports and guides children from foundation to advance levels of language mastery. Keeping in mind the importance of English language in all the future endeavours of a child, right from stepping into premium institutions, successfully completing a degree, getting into the right job and upgrading in every walk of life.

Program Title : English Proficiency Training for Students

Number of audience per batch: 30 approx.

Targeted Audience: Primary, Secondary & Higher secondary students

Learning Objectives :

i. To break the limiting belief and to help students speak effectively with confidence.

ii. To provide a simplified and innovative formula

iii.To provide lot of real time activities to encourage students to express themselves fluently, using appropriate grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

iv.To facilitate students to collaborate with various subjects to develop their presentation skills such as oral presentations, extempore speech, debate, group discussion and so on.

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